When you are accustomed to an old-fashioned water heater that has a large tank, you will want to learn more about modern tankless water heaters. These devices are the newest way to heat water in a building, but there are several things that you must consider before investing in a tankless water heater.

Consideration 1: Do You Have Access To Natural Gas Lines?

Tankless water heaters typically require natural gas to work, but you may not have natural gas lines that are connected to your home or business. In some geographic areas, it is impossible to install natural gas lines while in other areas, you can install the lines, but it can cost thousands of dollars to complete the job. If you can’t use natural gas to power a tankless water heater, then you must consider your other options.

Consideration 2: Can You Afford a Gas-powered Tankless Water Heater?

Gas-powered tankless water heaters are extremely expensive, and you may not have the money to install one of these devices. However, you will save money by heating water with tankless water heating systems. It will take several years to begin receiving any financial benefits from having a tankless hot water heater. You should consider if the installation of a tankless water heater is a good financial decision.

Consideration 3: Can You Install an Electric Tankless Water Heater?

A few companies manufacture electric tankless water heaters, but the devices are expensive, and you must have the correct type of electrical wiring in a building. In addition to paying three times as much for the tankless water heater, you will need to hire an electrician who can upgrade the wires in your home. The installation of wires can lead to damage to drywall and paneling, so you may also need to have these materials repaired.

Consideration 4: Are There Tankless Water Heater Technicians In Your Region?

In order to have a tankless water heater installed, you must find a technician who understands the equipment. Tankless water heaters are new devices, and many technicians have no experience with the installation or repair of the equipment. If you want to install a tankless water heater system, then you may need to hire an expert who lives in another location, and this can lead to problems when you need a repair to the device.

Consideration 5: Will Your Other Utility Bills Increase?

If you live in a region that has expensive electricity or natural gas, then you may see an increase in these utility bills. A tankless water heater uses more power than a traditional water heater does, so you may actually pay more for heating your water each day.

Consideration 6: Will the Tankless Water Heater Work Fast Enough?

When you need a lot of hot water at various locations in a building, a tankless water heater is often not the best choice. A tankless water heater requires more time to create hot water, so you may want to continue using an old-fashioned water heater.